Supporting MDS

Limmud Hayom

At MDS our children are deeply engaged with Torah, mitzvot, and acts of chesed on a daily basis. The MDS Limmud Hayom sponsorship program enhances our students’ commitment to Torah values by showing the positive impact of a unified kehillah’s learning.
Limmud Hayom

Benefits of Sponsorship

Sponsoring a day or week of learning at MDS supports our school while allowing you to:

  • Commemorate a yahrzeit
  • Celebrate a birthday, bar/bat mitzvah, or simcha
  • Honor a Morah, Rebbe, or teacher
  • Dedicate learning in merit of a refuah shlema

Decade and perpetual gifts will be noted on the specific date in the annual school calendar, distributed to all our MDS families at the beginning of each year*.

*Please note that multiple sponsorships will be allowed for the same day. You will be notified if you request a day that has already been sponsored and you will be given the opportunity to reschedule or co-sponsor. Sponsorships will be listed in the order they are reserved.

Please contact Allison Rubin at if you have any questions.

Want to support MDS?

General DonationsLimmud HayomProgram Sponsorship

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310 West 75th Street

New York, New York 10023

Manhattan Day School Yeshiva Ohr Torah (“MDS”) admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin and affords all students all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available at the school. MDS does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.