Limmud Hayom
At MDS our children are deeply engaged with Torah, mitzvot, and acts of chesed on a daily basis. The MDS Limmud Hayom sponsorship program enhances our students’ commitment to Torah values by showing the positive impact of a unified kehillah’s learning.

Benefits of Sponsorship
Sponsoring a day or week of learning at MDS supports our school while allowing you to:
- Commemorate a yahrzeit
- Celebrate a birthday, bar/bat mitzvah, or simcha
- Honor a Morah, Rebbe, or teacher
- Dedicate learning in merit of a refuah shlema
Decade and perpetual gifts will be noted on the specific date in the annual school calendar, distributed to all our MDS families at the beginning of each year*.
*Please note that multiple sponsorships will be allowed for the same day. You will be notified if you request a day that has already been sponsored and you will be given the opportunity to reschedule or co-sponsor. Sponsorships will be listed in the order they are reserved.
Please contact Allison Rubin at if you have any questions.